Thursday, July 30, 2015

4 Month Pics

Snuggle Bug

This morning was sooo cute. I slept in a little while Joseph got Conley from his 7 a.m. feeding and changed him and dressed him (in his John Deere outfit...that isn't my favorite; but I still appreciate the gesture). Then Joseph laid him down next to me around 8:15, and Conley saw me laying there and immediately turned onto his side toward me and grabbed my shirt and nuzzled his little face into mine. It was so sweet. He closed his eyes and just went to sleep, holding tightly to my shirt all the while. I love him so much. He's almost five months' now, and still just as sweet as he was that first day he was out. Doesn't complain or cry too much, like Daddy. Smiles and talks a lot, like Mommy. He's a snuggler. Recently when we pick him up, he immediately wraps his arms so tightly around our necks. It's the best.

I'm so grateful for him and the joy he brings to our lives. Heavenly Father really is so sweet.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I miss him while he is sleeping.

My sweet baby is so sweet. So sweet. I miss him while he is sleeping. He only cried with a reason.

Kayden has been here and he is really good with Conley.

I'm learning that Conley's nap schedules take precedence over things I want/need to do.

We got a new car and I am the happiest mommy because my baby doesn't roast every time I drive somewhere.

Recently he has been touching and grabbing toys. He doesn't reach out for them yet, but he is getting so close. He loves this little elephant stuffed animal toy and the little yellow square with ribbons that Jen made us.

I am simply in love. I could literally snuggle with him all day. I never knew being a mom would feel this right.