Sunday, December 11, 2016

Cute stuff Conley's been doing lately

Conley is just such a sweet boy. He is so affectionate. He loves kissing and hugging and snuggling, of course when you get him in the right moment. But most of the time he really is willing to give mama (me) a kiss or a hug. He is a good listener. And he is so sweet to other kids. Sometimes he tries to take toys away and things like that. But he is usually really sweet and happy when he sees other kids. He calls babies "baby" and knows when they are younger than him. His best friend is Jay, who is in our ward and lives close to us. His parents, Kayla and Michael, are good friends of ours and we hang out occasionally. Conley is teething right now, so he gets up at night sometimes (and it's getting really super cold here, like in the teens or lower at night, so I think sometimes he is cold, even though we fill his crib with blankets AND double layer his jammies). When he does, we usually put him in bed with us and he always rolls right over to me and snuggles with me. It's so sweet. I can nuzzle my head right into his little neck and he just lays there on his back and sleeps. Gosh, it's so cute. My mouth just waters and I just fall in love with him all the time every day. Anyway, here's list of some things he has being doing or saying lately:

  • He calls boots "boops."
  • He kisses my belly and lifts up my shirt and points to my belly when we ask him where the baby is. Usually he will give me a low hug around my waist right after that, too (without me telling him).
  • He loves coloring and he calls is "cuh-er." He is getting pretty good at it! He also likes chalk, and he can say chalk.
  • When he counts, like getting ready to jump off of something, he says, "1, 1, 1!!!!" It's so funny.
  • He repeats most things we say.
  • He folds his arms really well and says "Amen" at the appropriate time when we pray. He will even stop eating (without my telling him to) when we pray (if he's already started).
  • He loves hide and seek and being chased and tickled. 
  • He sticks his chin out for me so I can bounce his chin with mine.
  • He still loves peek-a-boo.
  • I've been singing the ABCs, and then he tries to sing it. He doesn't quite do the ABCs yet, but he says sounds that sound like letters.
  • He kisses me through the slats in his crib after his naps.
  • He can "why" (Thai bow).
  • He loves cars so much. This week our friend and my VTee, Connie, gave him a bunch of cars, and he is just obsessed. He could sit there and play with them for a long time.
  • He is pretty good at getting in to stuff; tonight Joseph walked down to the kitchen and Conley was elbow deep in powdered sugar.
  • His favorite food is probably yogurt. He discovered marshmallows lately and really loves those. 
  • He loves Beth and has never forgotten who she is. He always wants to video call her when I suggest it, and he always gets really hyper and excited and tries to hug her. Like he sticks his little hands toward the phone like he is going to put his hands through the screen and hug her. It's so cute.