Saturday, March 23, 2019

"Thankful that summer is almost here"

Conley looooooved playing outside yesterday. it was 60 degrees and the sun was shining. it was so easy fr him to entertain himself. He just played with all his trucks and made all these sounds and talked and had so much fun. I sat out there with him on a yoga mat and just watched him and soaked in some rays. And we had pizza for a picnic, and he was so funny and cute. And he actually wanted to pray this time. And he said, "Heavenly Father, for dis day, we're thankful that it's almost summer, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." It warmed my heart. The more I've looked in his eyes and spent time with him this week the more I've fallen in love with him. He knows what he needs and he needs me a lot of the time and sometimes it's exhausting. But it's so worth it. I NEVER regret spending with him. 

Saturday, March 16, 2019

End of dreaded winter

I don't want to jinx myself, but I do think we are coming to the close of this awful winter. Man, it was rough! Going out and getting into the car in terrible zero-degree weather, snow all the time everywhere, having to bundle up every time we went out. Ugh. It nauseates me to think about it. Last week we went to Cheyenne for a concert for Jordan, and because all the sibs but Josh were meeting there. It was soooo much fun to be there with everyone. We had a family council to help Jamie out and she shared her burden of Kayden's craziness with us, and I'm hoping it helped her. Landon also remained sober the whole time, which is such a huge deal. I'm so proud of him. And my kids were just so cute. Eloise just wandered around and looked at stuff and played with stuff. She also would push Papa away from the countertop and reach her hands up so that he'd hold her. She does that to me too sometimes when I'm cooking. It's really cute and irresistible (well sometimes it's tough for me, when I'm trying to make dinner). And she just loved Nana, too. She needed a lot of Nana snuggles. It was really sweet. They have a sweet little bond. And Eloise is just such a snuggler. She really knows who Nana and Papa are and she loves them and loves it when they hold her.

Lately she's been "hot" at night. Before bed she'll take off her jammies and it's nearly impossible to get them back on her. She gets in bed with us usually, and she oftentimes is only wearing a diaper. And I'll pull the covers up onto her frequently throughout the night, and she kicks them off eventually and wiggles up to the top of the bed--without covers! And she seems to be sleeping well! It's really funny and crazy. I imagine she's actually cold, but I guess she just likes it. She's also saying a whole bunch of words. And she stays around and hangs out with adults or whoever is talking the most, just so she can listen and smile and fake laugh when everyone else is. She really does like being part of the conversation. It's amazingly cute. She does funny and silly things, like poke your cheeks and tries to poke your eyes. She can repeat most things you say, just in her own little way of saying it. And she still loves singing. I looooove it when she sings. She'll open up a book, any book, and walk around singing from it. I just think it's so funny and amazing. I love snuggling her. She smells amazing all the time. And her hair is past her shoulders now and still so bright blond and a little curly. I've been cutting her bangs and she just looks like a little doll. She's a dream.

Conley has been wonderful lately too. He's a mama's boy big time, and sometiems it's draining because he wants to be held a lot, especially at really inconvenient times; and he also gets really emotional and hurt and when he does, he only wants me. ANd if i dont' sit down and hold him, hly cow, he'll yell cry and it about drives me crazy. But other than that he is so cute and fun and funny. He said in our super long drive home from Greenwoods in Canon City, CO, "Mom, GUESS what?" "What?" "Guess what number is bigger!" "What?" "Twenty....five!!!" in a shocked whisper. He says prayers occassionally, but he doesn't really like to; and he doesn't like reverent scripture time unless it's extended reverent scripture time, which includes an object lesson and a game. He always asks really good questions. Why this, why that, all day long. I actually like it. He just really wants to know. And his little world is just full of discoveries. He's helped me grow so much as a mom.