Saturday, December 5, 2020

I hope you remember

 A note to myself:

I hope you remember how, while reading to a sleepy Eloise on the bottom bunk, and listening to Joseph's soothing and quieted voice on the top bunk, there was a pause while Joseph checked his phone briefly to see where the OU game was, and Conley said, "They got it? Oh, yes!" It doesn't take much for him to get excited about OU stuff; all he needs is to watch Joseph do it.

I hope you remember how Eloise told you how to rub her back, knowing that she would soon fall asleep I hope you remember how her hair glowed in the little light that was in the room just the one from Joseph's flashlight or phone light from the top bunk. I hope you remember how sad she was when we told her she couldn't bring water into her room in her play dishes. How serious of an issue it was to her. 

I hope you remember how Conley wanted to read history and science books, the same kind I would get lost in for a while and wish I understood and remembered everything. He said, "I want to have Conley-Mama time and read books." And he picked an anatomy book first and wanted to learn about muscles and movement, and then the body overall. Then he got a book that has images from the twentieth century in it and he wanted to read every page he stopped on. And when Eloise saw the page with two kids (immigrant toddlers standing in front of a door on Ellis Island in the early 1900s), Eloise said, "Dese po childwen not have families" in such a somber voice. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Lately I've been living in a dream

 Me and Joseph wrote this together.

J: Sunday afternoons on the tramp has been so fun. Last week it was me and Conley, because Eloise was sleeping. And we just had so much fun playing games. He just laughs and plays; and they're like in their element (today was Eloise and him). Eloise was in a dress and it was cold, and I knew it was cold but she didn't wanna get off the trampoline. So every time I asked her if she was cold, she said no, but I knew she was. And then when we got off to take a break, she said, "Dad, I'm cold! I'm cold!" Today, I pretended to run fast away from Conley, when we were playing the dinosaur game, and I just did high knees and pretended to be running fast. I was just moving my legs fast, but not really going fast. And it hit his funny bone. He just laughs and has so much fun. When we first got out, Conley just wanted to play outside. He wanted to play tag, and he said, "Whoever uses all of their energy first, wins." He just wants to play. We do a lot of stuff during the week, but it's not "play." Today we played, though. We played tag, and I was running away from him and got up on the fence, and he was gonna tag me. I ran into the front yard and he ran to get me. And then I kind of snuck up on him while he was crawling up on the Camry, and I said, "Get off of that Camry!" And he said, "I didn't know where you were!" I later told him I was sorry for cheating (because I'd gone into the front yard) and he said, "That's OK; I didn't tell you the rules." 

B: I feel like I'm walking around in a cloud. Eloise's face. Conley's face. Conley saying things like, "I can give you a massaj, Mom," like he was so eager to be helpful. He loves things that Joseph loves, like anything at all having to do with "working." Working on his bike, the truck, the dirt bike, the table, the yard, the trampoline. He loves it. He loves digging holes and throwing dirt. He is wise and careful, unless he is with other boys his age--and then it seems like his brain just goes out the window lol. I guess that's probably normal, though. He loves me. He touches my face so sweet. He loves snuggling with me and he lets me kiss him and doesn't get annoyed. Even when I pick him up for thinking times he just strokes my hair. He loves playing with soft hair. It's adorable. He is also so sweet in his prayers. He said things like, "Bless the people without houses that they will be able to build a house and have the best day." He loves audiobooks lately. He could listen to them all day. He likes homeschool, as long as he gets to choose what we do. He reminds me of that, too, which I appreciate. 

Or Eloise at Ross: "I not have a pose! I need dis!" (purse). or "I not have light up shoes. I want dese!" And it's so sweet because after I explain things to her patiently, she almost always says, "OK, Mama." It's amazing. She's reasonable and rational. Conley and she wake up together sometimes and play in their room or in the playroom or the family room. They love hiding together. If they're really having a good time, they'll come shut our door or shut their door, and when we end up going to look at them, Eloise (only her, Conley would never do this) says, "Not come in he-oh!" 

Tonight she was tired. I was looking at her and said, "You are the most beautiful woman in the world." And she scowled and said, "I not a wimin! I a kid!" Then she wanted some alone time (she's pretty good at doing that) with her mini-Book of Mormon. So she went out of the playroom, where we all were, and as she was exiting, she said, "I'm gonna go to not dis woom and wead my Book of Momon. Not look at me." And she left. Then she poked her head around the corner and said, "Not even think about looking at me." Joseph and I often just look at each other and laugh as quietly as we can. She's so funny and serious. Whenever I raise my voice at her, she curls up and shrinks down and gets so sad. And then when I hold her and talk to her she always forgives me right away. I'll never understand a child's loving and forgiving nature. It's so sweet--and it motivates me to keep calm, because she responds so well to that. 

She got up the other night, and I said, "Your body is probably getting you up and telling you to go potty," and she said, "It waking me up so I can nuggle wis you!" Ugh it just melted me. She got in bed and we nuggled. I could just eat her up.

She often gets herself dressed by herself and her outfits always look so cute. She rarely lets me do her hair. I love it in ponytails most. 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Conley five-year-old snuggles

Covid has made this decision even easier, but I'm so glad I'm not sending Conley to school this year. I simply cannot imagine sending him away from me all day five times a week. I can't. It makes me sick and so sad even thinking about it. I'm so grateful I get to homeschool. He's been holding onto me so much lately at night. He wants me to lay by him or rub his back. He wraps his arms all the way around my chest; they are long enough to reach each other on the other side now. And he continually pulls me closer or presses on my back; sometimes he'll move his hands a little and scratch my back for a second. It's so sweet and loving. He really loves me. He wouldn't do that to anyone else in the world. He's such a special boy. So kind to others, especially Eloise. He loves imagining things to make and build. He loves creating things and sharing all his ideas of how things could be made and what could be made. He loves reading (looking at pictures) and being read to. I tell him all the time: "I always wanted a boy like you." And I did. He's still too good to be true. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Eloise's silly bedtime giggles and "poop"

She is so funny. And she has a wide smile and just a big mouth, so when she giggles and laughs and opens her mouth, she just seems so happy.

At night when she hasn't taken a nap, she usually conks out really quickly. Sometimes, though, like tonight, she gets really slaphappy and it's just hilarious. She was singing along with me to "Baby Mine" and it was so sweet, because she knew most of the words. And then once I finished it and then started it over again (since she wasn't asleep yet), she started saying "poop" at the end of each line. It was hilarious how often it actually fit in with the part of speech and made sense. And I laughed and she laughed and I tickled her and she just flails all over and loves the attention. She's just so funny.

Eloise's silly bedtime giggles and "poop"

She is so funny. And she has a wide smile and just a big mouth, so when she giggles and laughs and opens her mouth, she just seems so happy.

At night when she hasn't taken a nap, she usually conks out really quickly. Sometimes, though, like tonight, she gets really slaphappy and it's just hilarious. She was singing along with me to "Baby Mine" and it was so sweet, because she knew most of the words. And then once I finished it and then started it over again (since she wasn't asleep yet), she started saying "poop" at the end of each line. It was hilarious how often it actually fit in with the part of speech and made sense. And I laughed and she laughed and I tickled her and she just flails all over and loves the attention. She's just so funny.

Eloise's silly bedtime giggles and "poop"

She is so funny. And she has a wide smile and just a big mouth, so when she giggles and laughs and opens her mouth, she just seems so happy.

At night when she hasn't taken a nap, she usually conks out really quickly. Sometimes, though, like tonight, she gets really slaphappy and it's just hilarious. She was singing along with me to "Baby Mine" and it was so sweet, because she knew most of the words. And then once I finished it and then started it over again (since she wasn't asleep yet), she started saying "poop" at the end of each line. It was hilarious how often it actually fit in with the part of speech and made sense. And I laughed and she laughed and I tickled her and she just flails all over and loves the attention. She's just so funny.

Eloise's silly bedtime giggles and "poop"

She is so funny. And she has a wide smile and just a big mouth, so when she giggles and laughs and opens her mouth, she just seems so happy.

At night when she hasn't taken a nap, she usually conks out really quickly. Sometimes, though, like tonight, she gets really slaphappy and it's just hilarious. She was singing along with me to "Baby Mine" and it was so sweet, because she knew most of the words. And then once I finished it and then started it over again (since she wasn't asleep yet), she started saying "poop" at the end of each line. It was hilarious how often it actually fit in with the part of speech and made sense. And I laughed and she laughed and I tickled her and she just flails all over and loves the attention. She's just so funny.

Friday, February 14, 2020

That probably doesn't really matter

The title of this entry is what I'm going to start trying to say to myself when I have the urge to ask Conley to stop doing something that is annoying or noisy. There are lots of reasons for this. Annoying behavior on average doesn't last for over a minute and a half--so I should just give it that amount of time and breathe through it and let it go. I think I should do this, because the opposite is much worse and looks something like this: 1) I get annoyed at an annoying behavior. 2) I ask him to stop. 3) He doesn't. 4) I get madder. 5) He doesn't understand and just wants to keep doing that behavior (maybe he has a reason for it!) 6) I get really made and impose a consequence and he gets mad and he feels ostracized and just overall the situation sucks.

Another reason to let things go MOST of the time is that when I ask him to not do things that don't really matter, he'll get sick of me asking him to stop doing things, and he'll just overall stop listening and tune me out. And his trust of me will go down too.

Give him the benefit of the doubt. A lot of time, Conley actually has a good reason. I want to say, "Can you help me understand why you're doing that?" Instead of, "Conley!" or "Conley stop!" or whatever. Or worst: "Why would you do that???"

Jesus can help me change. I need to remember that and pray about changing my heart. I can pray not just for patience. But for my heart to change--my instinct to get angry, my instinct to ask him to stop, my instinct to nag, my instinct to get frustrated when I'm not listened to.

I need to connect each day before anything else...just watch them...just be with them. remember my priority list is more important than my to do list.

Moira helped me realize these things. And the Spirit.