Thursday, March 9, 2023

Some rev today about Conlely

 Sometimes I super worry that I'm not teaching him enough like especially about the gospel. Like that he has questions and doubts because of me. These worries have gotten worse since he says he doesn't want to be baptized. I started reading the BoM with him, and he often pushes back, and I told him that I am going to do some things in his life that he doesn't want me to do but that I want to do because they are important to me and important for him. 

But since saying that, I've been having major existential crises about agency and what to teach him. What is true. How we hold up truth. Do I be true to my heart and leave lots of things open ended and optional and grey? This would be following my heart.

Or do I say some stuff is just true and nonnegotiable. I feel like there are more prolems with that approach.

Here is what I felt was revealedto me: "Just love him HIM as a person. Don't proccupy my thoughts and worries. Love him and present and offer neutrally. Don't get omotionally involved in his choices. That is manipulation.