Thursday, September 21, 2023

Conley changed the clock time so I'd read longer

 We're homeschooling Conley, and so far he and I truly love it. Joseph says he is grateful that we are doing it. Sometimes it's hard to motivate him to get things done, but usually when we are connected, we start early, and I pray for patience, things go really well. Sometimes he sits on my lap during it. The best part of it is just all the time he has to play and explore and be himself. He has brightened a lot since not being in school. I'm so grateful.

He still adores being read to. Joseph or I read to him every night. Tonight he was playing a lot when he was supposed to be getting ready for bed, so I told him around 8:10 that I'd only be available to read to him until 8:30. That whipped him into shape pretty well and we were laying in his bed by 8:20. I started reading the God Is Incredible book to him and heard him fiddling with his alarm clock. I thought he might be setting the alarm. I switched to this (dreadful) novel about a hamster in a third grade classroom, and read a few pages and then glanced at the clock. He'd set it back ten minutes so I'd read more. I laughed so hard and he giggled a lot too.

Eloise is the most delicious angel. Her cheeks are so soft and she smiles at me when I smile at her. She has a good explanation for reasons she does things. She listens really readily and she remembers things I tell her. She reminded me today that she needed to bring her permission slip to school tomorrow in order to be able to participate in next week's Run for the Coyotes.

We cut her still-bright-blond hair last night. It looks so cute, although I do love her long hair. It was green from summer chorine and also dead at the ends. She wanted a haircut, and she just looks adorable. She's been taking violin for over a month now, and we are having so much fun with it. She listens to Miss Ellen, and she is always down to practice. We practice together, and I love that time with her. One time I lost patience and it made her so sad. I felt awful and apologized. She forgave me. She's so good at that. 

Also the other day she taught me a real lesson. My kids have taught me things in the sense that I've learned about myself and how to be better by being their mom. But I think this was the first lesson that I learned that was directly from their example. I came into the kitchen and she was eating her second yogurt. I raised my voice (I was on edge that day), and said having too much yogurt will hurt her belly and also we all want yogurt and that she couldn't eat it all. 

She raised her eyebrows and said, "That's very good information." How patient, kind, introspective, and calm of her. I want to respond like that. 

She is singing a couple solos for the primary program, and Gail said she sounds like an angel. And I agree. She's so adorable. I sing to her and read to her at night and she is just so cozy. I kiss her cheeks and just want to eat her. It's all I can do to squeeze her so tight when I pick up from school. I want to know everything about her day, bt I don't want to tire or overwhelm her. I love when she tells me things about her day.