Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How (and to Whom) I Show Gratitude

Boasting in God

I have a lot of things to be grateful for, and a lot of incredible blessings in my life. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable talking about them to others, like I am going to make them feel bad. That may be the discomfort isimilar to Ammon and Aaron's conversation about boasting in the flesh versus boasting in God. Somebody might mistake my gratitude or expression of all of my blessings as boasting in my strength. When it really is boasting and rejoicing in the blessings Heavenly Father has given me. Blessings that I don't deserve and don't understand why he is given them to me. I'm realizing that may be my mission in life is to express that gratitude to God, and then express it to others humbly and only when I feel prompted to do so. I think I am so blessed because I need to use my blessings and talents and gifts and perspective on life to bless and lift others, kind of like my patriarchal blessing says about sharing love to others and being a beacon of light to the world. I'm realizing that the gratitude that I feel and the magnitude of my blessings are both sacred, and I need to keep it that way and often keep it between me and Heavenly Father. 

I really do feel so grateful and humbled by how happy and content I am with Conley.

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