Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I love snuggling with Conley. He is getting so squishy and it is harder and harder to put him down. Yesterday, I had a lot of errands to run and I felt awful that he was in his car seat or with another person for a lot of the day. So today I wanted to snuggle a lot and avoid the car as much as I could. The first picture is of me, right after I woke up from a accidental nap onset by snuggles. The last picture is of me on Sunday after church and after I fed him. It is supposed to be his wake time, and usually it is, but this time he wouldn't wake up and I didn't want to wake him up because he was so snuggly and cute. He is such a good boy, and I love him with all of my heart.

The last time we went to the doctor, last week, he was 13 pounds. I am sure he is 14 pounds now. He is popular, a heart throb for sure. All the ladies love him. Candace Mahina, Jessie Calero, Beth, and Ashlie Dalton all love him. But not as much as his mama.

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