Sunday, September 27, 2015

Splash splash splash

I've been trying to just sit and enjoy Conley instead of giving my attention to something else--anything other than him really is not as good. I want to devote myself to him and soak up his step by step development, new things he is learning, cuteness, sweetness, how soft his cheeks are, what noises he is making, and so forth.

Tonight I gave him a bath and just let him sit in there splashing around. We have this mini-bath; it's blue and Shan gave it to us. And there is a back rest on both sides; one side is reclined and it was meant for babies who can't sit up yet; the other is straight up and intended for babies who can sit up. He was sitting on the second one, since he can mostly sit up, but for some reason he really wanted to kiss the first back rest. So he was folding his body totally in half and reaching out to it with his arms and face. It was so cute and so funny. He finally got over there and went a little too far and ended up on his belly, his cute little buns visible and everything. We were laughing so hard.

In between the reaching and climbing, he would splash all over. I even got a little wet. For some reason I really loved it, all his splashing. I felt like he was learning a lot by doing it, and really enjoying himself. 

Oh my goodness! And tonight he ate twice as much as we expected. We have started to give him mostly solid foods (much to my dismay), and we gave him sweet potatoes and apples, and he loved it. (I made homemade apple sauce a few weeks ago, and he loves it. I'm really proud of myself because it's healthy and he loves it.) And twenty minutes after he was done, and after I nursed him a little, he got a little cranky and it seemed like he wanted more! So I gave him a whole additional bowl full of more food! It was twice as much dinner as we thought. And he downed it. I couldn't believe it. So it seems like I am underestimating his eating abilities.

He is getting pretty mobile and restless. He army crawls all over the place. And in his crib he practices getting up on all fours. It's so precious. One of my favorite things is slowly walking up to his crib, talking all the way, until I peak over the edge of it (there's a blanket blocking my view until then) and seeing him stretch his neck trying to see me. And then once we make eye contact, he gets a huge grin and then buries his little face in his hands, like he's hiding from me. He's getting such a cute personality, so interactive.

I'm still so grateful to be a mama. And Joseph is such a helpful and perfect daddy. And still such a wonderful husband. We are so blessed!

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