Sunday, February 12, 2017

Almost two years old!

Oh I'm so in love with that boy! He is getting to be a toddler and he has opinions and wants. Like he doesn't like it when I break up his oranges for some reason. Like, it will make him cry. And when I do it, he says, "Back? Back?" Like, "Will you put it back together?" He is talking a lot and knows tons of words. And he says things to me that I can't believe he has picked up on. He parrots really well, and can say most things, which means I have to be careful. I need to stop saying "sucks" even though it's like one of my favorite words.

Joseph had a great New Year's Resolution this year, and that was to start reading the real Book of Mormon (versus just the cartoon one that we had been reading). So we have been doing that every night. And now Conley says, "Gipshers?" It's so cute. And he says "mine" a lot, so we are working really hard on teaching him to say "please." He gets better at that every day.

He taught himself to get out of his crib. He calls it horsie (his maneuvers) because he straddles the front side and gets over. He's a pretty proud guy when he does it. But last night he got out of his crib four times, and he only would go to sleep at 10:30, when we did. So we lowered the mattress down. Joseph and I decided that we won't let him sleep with us anymore, unless it's after 6 AM. I'm sad because I love the snuggles. But it is healthier for all of us and Conley will sleep better. I want him to be pretty independent about sleeping by the time Eloise gets here.

The weather has been so nice lately, like in the 50s. And it puts me in such a great mood. We have been on walks and to the park twice, and I just love it. And Conley loves being outside. He always wants to wear his snow boots out there, even when there is no snow.

His best friend is Jay, and they greet each other by saying each other's names and then growling. And they chase each other and giggle. And Conley doesn't really sit still anymore. So Sacrament Meeting is usually quite loud and funny and loud and busy busy. Joseph is sweet and always takes care of him, though. He's the best. Today they made it a half lap around the chapel, during the Sacrament prayer, before we caught them.

Conley gives great kisses. And hugs. He is really affectionate still, and he will be pretty nice to other people and it makes my heart so warm.

This week is Valentine's Day, and I love this holiday so much. So I decorated with garlands and we are having play group and joy school at our house. We are making valentines and decorating cookies, and we are going to bring cookies to Joseph's class on Tuesday. I'm so excited. And I just love love and pink.

Conley has these two jet planes books that we got at the library. He loves them so much that he literally couldn't fall asleep last night. It was so cute and funny.

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