Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Conley's third birthday

I cried last year on Conley's second birthday. Joseph was gone for some reason when I gave Conley his bath that night. I was bathing him and smiling and so happy and he was being so cute and sweet. And I got all choked up. Then tonight after I put Eloise down, I went into Conley's bedroom, where Joseph was reading to him. (I normally don't do that.) And he was fine to let me lay by him and rub his back and head and ears as Joseph read the new vehicle books that Jamie sent him for his birthday. So so so sweet and adorable. I just kissed and kissed the back of his neck.

He's such a sweet boy. He is so kind and good. He listens better than ever. He calms down when I talk nicely to him. He is patient and so affectionate. He loves playing with Eloise (although she is still getting used to him). He loves loves books. Tonight he stacked up a bunch of books on the armrest of my chair while the sister missionaries were giving us a message. He patted them when I looked down and said, "I got some books for us to read." It was so cute. He loves reading. And he did that all on his own.

Also all on his own, he stopped eating his yogurt when we started praying at dinner tonight. He folded his arm and stuff. He is good at praying, and his voice always goes really high. He loves reverent scripture time, and it makes such a huge difference in my day when we do it. And his too I think.

He calls Tyrannosaurus's "Reckasaurus" and hide-and-seek "hide-and-zeke."

He's starting to notice letters here and there, and point some out (even if he doesn't get it exactly right).

He's such a good soul and I can't believe how lucky I am to be his mom.

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