Saturday, July 21, 2018

Post boards

Life with Joseph home has been absolutely blessed. Conley had a tough first day (for no reason), but since then he has been such a sweet angel. He listens really well and obeys me. And if I help him do his chores, he does all of them. He says things like, "Mommy can I help you?" He's told me twice this week that my dress is pretty. I broke a bookshelf and all the books came tumbling off, and Joseph just stood there, and Conley said, "Mommy are you OK?" He is just so wonderful. He is also a big helper with Eloise or if we are babysitting. But today, I gave him a dry erase marker to use while I put Eloise down. And I looked at him and told him to only write on the board. I thought he would listen. That's why I did it. Nope. All over the wall, and chair, and table and big chair. It was terrible. But a Mr clean eraser got it out, and he even wanted to help (and he did a great job cleaning it off!). He said, "I'm sorry I drawed on the wall, Mom." He's constantly saying things and telling long stories. I love them and I love him. I layed by him to put him down yesterday and I fell asleep with him and it was heavenly. He had his arm around my neck. Mmmm. He's so snuggly too. He'll get in bed with me or want me to hold him on the couch after he wakes up.

I had a really short temper today, and I whacked him when he did some bad things (he pulled my hair once and he pushed Eloise once or something). I felt really bad, though; both times he cried really hard. I told him I was sorry right away and I held him. He's so forgiving. Like one minute later he doesn't remember.

He inserts "suddenly" and some other bigger words into stories sometimes and it's so adorable. He loves "actually" and "definitely." And he'll say "I sure can" if you catch him at the right time.

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