Monday, August 20, 2018

Thailand and other lately

The kids have been doing so many funny and wonderful thing lately. Conley is just such a good big borther, especially when he is well rested and fed:) Sometimes he will wake up and just want to cuddle with Eloise. Right when he wakes up is my favorite, because he always plays with my hair or softly runs his little hand on my arm or something He is just so precious. He's been listening really well,and he loves getting things explained to him. He is really into stories lately; he will do aything if you have a story for him. It's so cute. He also loves singing and talking and playing, and something he sings and talks really loud. He just has this arsenal of energy and if he hasn't run around for a while or something, he just is really loud lol. Sometimes it's strt ways to calm him down. Asking usually isn't enough, although he will lower the volume for a little bit for me. He loves picking Eloise up and moving her around. He tried to get her on his bed or the couch ,and I have to tell him not to because she could fall off. He is really good about prote ting her and being aware of what she is doing. Like he will shut the basement door if it is open and she i walking toward it (we keep it closed usually because of the stairs_. He loves playing with her and being around her. They are the sweetest cutest pair.

Eloise is gettign busy! She has figured out how to climb up onto just about everything. She pulls herself up onto the kitchen chairs and then climbs up onto the table. If she can't get down, she just stands there and loudly, sing-songly says, "Mom! Mama! Mom! Mama!" She has "mama" and "dad" mixed up a little bit. She uses "mama" for both, which is funny and fine with me. Since being back from Thailand, she is having a hard time sleeping straight through and also being on her own. She is tired and clingy. So I'm just trying to keep er close and do what she needs me to do.. It's hard, though. There are lots of dishes in the sink! And it's 4:30 AM, and I'd like to go back to sleep, since both the kids are back down, after an hour or so of playtime, ut I also want to get some stuff done that I know won't et done throughout the day. Like journaling! So I'm typing, and laying my head on the couch with my eyes closed.

So they loved Thailand. Conley got a little overwhelemed with the hustle an dbustly and meeting lots of epole. But he loved playing with little Thai kids. He made friends with them really easily. He loved khaw niw and muu bing and cocoa yen, I never once ate a whole coca yen before he stole it from me:). It was cute. He also loved Sevens, randomly lol. He also loved the red nom briaws. There weren't any run ins with dogs, and neither of them got one mosquio bite! We were so blessed. So blessed. Conley loved the palne rides. Even the super long ones! They were sooooo much better than I expected. He shocked me: I told him in Tai Pai, "Conley, we have to get on another plane, and then we will be in Thailand," and he said, "We get to get on another  plane??" He was so excited lol. What a sweetie.

I got so grateful for carseats, not because of the safety they provide but because of the fact that they strap th ekids in!!! Gosh it was stressful and isane keeping those two cats sitting down, or just keeping them from crawling all over or to tthe front or whatever.

Yeah so Eloise loed everything abot THailand. THey slep amazing once we got there. And they are doing all right adjusting back here. Actually notreally lol. Tongiht is better than last night for sure though. Just one hour of play time in the middle of the night and two nights ago it was more than that. Shoot Eloise just woke up. I should be sleeping right now lol.

Eloise loved playing and walking around and eating and yeah. She is such a mover, you can't keep her still really. But all the khon thais were obsessed with her and wanted to play with her and hold her, so I feel like I got lots and lots of breaks

Conley talks about killing a lot. Like killing bugs or bd guys. I'm trying to channel it away from killing, because I don't like it and I don't see violence as necessary. But he did say soething really sweet the other day. on the plane back home. I was telling him a story about the scritpures. ANd randmly he asked why Jesus got killed. So I told him why the jews/romans killed Him, and then I gave him a more spiritual explanation of why He died for us. And he responded with: "I'm gonna go to Ameria, and get Moroni's sword out of, and I'm gonna kill those bad guys and unnail Jesus from the cross." It was so sweet.

He has been asking lots of Why's lately, which I really love He wants to learn, and he's good at it.

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