Saturday, January 9, 2016

Oh the passion, oh the fury.

I titled this post the way I did because Conley has become so passionate and expressive these days. He has a face for everything, and it usually involves some serious intensity: liking peas one second; hating peas the next second; going from eating voraciously like he will never be full--to being all of the sudden full and spitting his food everywhere!; scrunching up his nose and scowling his eyebrows and breathing in and out like he's fed up with life--he usually does that when he's bored; avoiding getting his nose/face wiped by moving his head around violently. He's so funny!

He is still my same sweet boy, especially in the mornings and at night. As soon as he sees his little white and baby blue soft blanket and has his binky in his mouth, he puts his little head on my shoulder and snuggles. I love it, of course.

He entertains himself really well. He'll wonder around, pull himself up on anything he can, and tap things, bonk his head repetitively (it's normal, believe it or not), or kiss something. He knows when he is being chased, and he'll either crawl the other way or come toward you, I guess depending on his mood. He's still happy to see us when we get there (wherever "there" may be) and sad to see us go (mostly me--which makes me feel so special).

I love him!! He's so sweet and perfect and funny and cute. Tonight when I was giving him a bath, he literally gripped my knees and pulled himself out of the bathtub. I guess he was done.

We are so blessed!

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