Sunday, July 3, 2016

Feeding mama and saying new words

Gosh Conley is getting so big. I want to get pregnant so much! I want another little baby. He is saying (or trying to say) lots of words, and he is walking around just so fast everywhere! I just can't believe it. He also throws a fit or two each day when he is tired. He is getting a little attitude. But he is still so sweet. He will come up behind me and wrap his arms as far as he can around my waist (when I'm on the ground) and hug me. It's so sweet. He also loves getting piggyback rides down the stairs. We are living in a sub-leased townhome at a place called Village Green (I hate it; I hate living in someone else's space) and thankfully moving out next week into a cool duplex in Midtown. But this place has three levels, so we get lots of stairs time.

Anyway, so Conley has been loving using utensils. He gets so excited when I give him a fork or spoon with his food. He's so determined and he practices over and over even when he keeps failing. It's inspiring! His little brain is amazing and just wants him to learn. He loves feeding me, too. Yesterday he wanted to give me sweet potatoes from his fork. I just pretended to eat each bite a few times, but he wasn't satisfied. Then when I actually took the bite and he felt my mouth on the fork, he squeeeealed. He loved it. He bounced up and down and kicked his leg in his little white IKEA high chair. It was so cute. So we did that a few more times.

We have a lot of fun together every day. I hate when I take him in the carseat, even if the destination is needed or good for me or him (the gym, shopping, the zoo). He hates it and I hate it. But when we are home, we do lots of things, like: sorting buttons. We did that yesterday, and for some reason he wanted to see how many he could stuff into his mouth. It was so funny. Also, I filled up the button bag almost full and he'd see it almost full and take it and dump it all out. He did that five times. It was so funny. And over two hundred buttons would just go everywhere. It was awesome. Lots of clean up and laughs. He loves bubbles, so we do those. He loves playing in (and I literally mean in; he climbs up into it) this old water table that my mom gave us last week. He loves watching and playing with other kids at the park. We sit in the shady part of the swing park that has lots of pebbles and play with his tractor that Aunt Lauren gave him. And tin cans. And he just loves it. He loves exploring outside, and he always is a little screamy when we have to come in. Luckily, he is easy to distract. He loves basketball (this house has a little stand-up net). He likes books, but only for a few pages:). He loves snuggling when he is tired or drinking milk. What else. We paint with water and a paintbrush on the chalk wall. And we draw sometimes with crayons or pens. We play in the pans in the cupboard. We play hide and go seek. We snuggle and sometimes watch a little bit of a movie. It's so cute when he watches them. We share smoothies. And drink them from straws. We play with keys and the door. He's a really fun guy. We also love singing and dancing and doing actions. He loves Elvis and jazz music. It's really funny. He will stick his arm, one arm, behin dhim and end over and hold it, and that's his dance move.

Some words he says perfectly are mama, papa, nana, ba (for bath), wawa, buhbuh (for bubble), go, da (for down), shoe! he said that this morning. Hi. Bye-bye.

He is trying to say (and getting close) to purple, thank you (he matches the intonation on that; gosh it's adorable), toes, belly, meh (that means airplane, for some reason). Meh! (Amen)

He folds his arms when we say prayers.

He's really amazing. He's so sweet and gorgeous and wonderful and funny. I just love being his mama.

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