Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Gosh Conley has just gotten so cute and so smart lately. He says so many words and he understands almost everything, it seems like. I love spending all day with him. I look forward to it when I wake up in the morning and I miss it when I got to bed at night. He leads me through a day full of adventure and excitement and newness and sweetness.

A few weeks ago, he woke up at 1 AM and wouldn't go back to sleep. Wouldn't. I tried a few times to let him cry it out, but he really wasn't interested. So I just got up with him and went in his playroom and he played for an hour while I read Go Set a Watchman. It was so fun and cute to watch him. After an hour or so, he crawled over to me and wiggled his body into the crook of mine and snuggled. So I took him back to bed with me and he fell asleep and we snuggled from 5 to 9. It was the sweetest night and I'm so glad it happened.

He does little things that show me he loves me. That night, Joseph got him one of the times, and I heard Joseph put him down on the ground in his bedroom, and his little feet slap, slap, slap, slap the ground as he walked into our room. He came right up to me in bed and crawled in and hugged me. It was so cute. I'm so grateful for the little guy.

I'm pregnant, and not very far long, and I have been saying "baby" and then pointing to my stomach. And he is starting to get the hang of it. But yesterday I got so sad when I started thinking about Conley not being my only baby anymore. I thought about the 18 months of our life together and how perfect it has been.

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